I believe that the focus of active learning and lifelong learning should extend beyond academics. I feel that life experience, hobbies, and human interactions are the main ways of gaining an education that I enjoy. At the moment, LinkedIn and social networks, in general, are full of training course ads, which confuses people in finding a good and meaningful training course (Every week I receive a lot of messages about attending training courses with tempting discounts). In this post, I would like to share my reflection about the first week of the Agile Coaching Lab training program.
Where does a story begin?
On February 10, 2021, I received a message from Jakub Jurkiewicz on LinkedIn, who introduced me to the Agile Coaching Lab and invited me to participate in this course. And surely you can guess what my answer was. Nothing, I took a look at the course and then said that this is like the rest of the courses, and I did not think about it anymore. This has passed, until a few months later about a job – Jakub spoke to me as an interviewer. Although I did not get that job position, Jakub‘s feedback gave me (you know, giving feedback on the interview is not very common here) inspired me to think about what I should do.
Then, I was reminded of the training course that Jakub had invited me to join. I thought that when someone can give such good feedback, he might have an interesting subject or idea for the course. After some research and talking with a few people who participated in this course and, of course, Jakub, I concluded that I should participate in the Agile Coaching Lab.
What is the Agile Coaching Lab about?
Agile Coaching Lab is a unique nine weeks training course. It is a platform for people to change and grow. It’s an experience for the participants who want to discover the depth of agile coaching, scrum mastery and leadership. During the nine weeks, participants will explore the core competencies of agile coaching, dive into the practice of self-reflection and learn from the constant feedback. By the end of the program, they will have increased their confidence and found themselves higher potential.
What do I think now?
I enjoyed our activity of session for the first day. It was interesting discussing what we, as Agile practitioners, would have enjoyed. In the first session, we tried to know each other and the Agile Coaching Lab. Also, Jakub professionally set ground rules too. It’s great to face our weaknesses and try to learn more in future by mutual collaborations. As a father of three kids, Scrum Master and a husband, I feel that assignments are the hardest to focus on. I have been racking my brain all afternoon after work trying to work on my assignments. I may be overthinking this, but if I am to be recorded, I want my assignments to be good.
While managing the first class was great, I wondered how Jakub keeps the sessions fresh over the rest of eight weeks.
I will share more information about Agile Coaching Lab in the upcoming weeks.
The Featured image is under Creative Commons license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/). Thanks Dennis Skley, for sharing this. ( https://www.flickr.com/photos/dskley/15719784736).
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