Time flies. It surely does. Today is an exceptional day. It’s my Year Blogging Anniversary! Blogging birthday. I can hardly believe that it has been one year already since I took my first baby steps into the Blogging world. It’s been a fantastic year and a great learning experience.
And It would have never been possible without your support! So on this particular occasion, I would like to thank all my blog readers followers on Social Media. YOU are my inspiration.
For many people, sharing success stories is a source of fear and anxiety. Therefore, people try to keep their success a secret. In contrast, successful people know that success is not a secret. It is a path and a story of efforts, perseverance and motivation to achieve the goal and share it is very useful for both the individual and society.
In my blog (Scrum Saturday), I share what I experience and learn on my journey, especially the things related to Scrum and Agile Coaching.
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